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Nowadays a power monitoring system is a “must have” tool to almost any type of energy consumer. Consumers mainly are : industrial, commercial, governmental, and residential. Each of them with diverse behaviors and goals for energy consumption and different expectations from the energy provider(s).

Do I need one such system ?

Probably yes. There are several benefits to installing a power monitoring system. A decent monitoring system will help you in understanding the effective parameters of your electrical system. The assessment and the analysis of the data generated by a monitoring system will provide you some important data to think about. Like:

  • Reliability - Inspecting the data logs generated by the monitoring system can help you in finding (and correcting) both critical and long-lasting problems of the power system. If you have alternative power sources like solar power, wind turbine or battery cells you can select (even remotely) wich is to be used at a time.
  • Maintenance - Alarms and forecasts gained from data trends can alert the appropriate persons when the time limits or the normal working parameters may be exceeded, allowing you to forecast instead of dealing with an unscheduled black-out.
  • Safety - Using a monitoring systems can limit the exposure of employees to potentially hazardous electrical environments by providing the remote status of the equipments within hazardous areas. Our monitoring system also can provide you data about temperature, pressure, flow rate, vibration, status indicators, etc. inside of the supervised area. All of the above even on your phone if needed. And around the clock.
  • Budget - after getting and installing a power monitoring system you will precisely know where your money goes and what you pay for.
  • Environment - A better information about how the energy is used allows you to to improve efficiency, diminish waste, and decrease energy consumption.